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  2. Administrative Users

Is it possible to weigh each of our CORE 4 company values differently?

You may weight the Team Leader and Team Member scores to generate an overall CPM score (ex. 70% Team Leader, 30% Team Member weight), we have not developed the latest version of the Culture App to allow for “value-based” score weighting.

While you may weight the Team Leader and Team Member scores to generate an overall CPM score (ex. 70% Team Leader, 30% Team Member weight), we have not developed the latest version of the Culture App to allow for “value-based” score weighting. However, we will keep this potential update in mind for future enhancements.

Another alternative to addressing your organization’s interest in exploring the development of an exclusive technical feature within your Culture App is to consider the app customization options that are available! We encourage your internal System Administrator to contact their dedicated CultureWorx Account Representative who would be able to review your request and make a determination regarding potential changes and next steps.

For further assistance you may also contact a CultureWorx Representative at (678) 785-9370 or email us at techsupport@cultureworx.co